Several days ago, I got the chance to talk with my learning buddy who lives in Tokyo, Japan. I really like her name Faiza: "Find your Authentic Self and Inspire your Zest for Action." Her name has explained a lot about coaching. In this learning journey, I am trying to learn how to inspire myself, then others to the zest for action. Through this learing process, I do believe that I can get the power and confidence about supporting people to making their dreams come true.
WoW~! you got a learning buddy already!This could be a great step forward in coach learning.
回覆刪除How's your study going? Did you join any teleclass yet? Please let me know if you got anything to wow me! ^_^
I like the word "zest".
回覆刪除Yes, I joined one class, effective feedback 2, I did enjoy it a lot and will share with you guys while we will gather.