Moderator-Isabelle King
Yesterday, I joined my third teleclass course, the trial session 1 and there was one attendant who was retired from a dentist made me impressed most. He and her wife now delicate themselves into this professional career and try to help more people to make their dream come true. It is a really nice life story to me about coaching.
Again, it was still so enjoyable experience, again. Isabelle said this trail session, someone may call "Getting to know you session", this is a very important moment that you and your prospective client, get to know each other and figure out that both of you fit to each other or not.
The moderator facilitate this course into four parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Invite Everyone Sharing Experience or any Question: What is your vision? Coaching is a right tool for them? Chemical Reaction, find a match?
3. Content Introducing-8 steps to get a trial session: Introduce the content and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"the trial session".
4. After Action Review (AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions about this topic and how you take away from this session.
I start to like this kind of teleclass which is very convenient and can get a lot of insight from other attendants' sharing.