Moderator-Angela Wahl
Yesterday, I got the chance to join my first teleclass course in my life with ICA and at beginning, I was so excited. This is a very special and enjoyable experience.
The moderator-Miss Angela Wahl, besides as a experienced coach, I found out that she is a very good facilitor as well. During the course process, she took care of all participants and invited everyone to join the discussion comfortably.
I would like to seperate the process into 4 parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Brief Course Introducing: Introduce the course and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"effective feedback".
3. Role-Play Practice: Invite someone who can be coach and coachee. In this course, Kevin was coach and Levi(I am not sure about the spelling) was coachee . They are talking about the career issue to the coachee.
4. After Action Review(AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions to Kevin about his performance in this role-play pracitce and his own feedback.
I really like and enjoy this learning structure and especially, while Angela asked us, please tell us what do you take away from this course. The final question did make me to review what I have learned during this participation and my further action should be.
Thank you so much, Angela and all attendants.
Hi James,
回覆刪除It's great to know that you begun your tele-class already. I will begin mine tomorrow for Trail Sessionn 1. I believe that I could learn a lot as you did. Wish me luck.