

1. What are three situations you might encounter as a coach in which
role-play could be useful?
a. A client is facing a situation in considering to change a job or career;
b. How to communicate something sensitive to a partner, especially the
partner is tough in his thought;
c. Correcting an employee’s behavior, while the client is in a level of
management team.
2. Find one friend who is willing to be coached on an issue. I had chances
to do two role-plays with one of my friend in asking for a raise and how
to apologize for something they did wrong several days ago.
Both of us did enjoy the process a lot and I have him to come out with
an insight which he always has, but doesn't have the chance to think it
out. This is a really nice learning experience.
3. BONUS: Practice with at least two more people. Do both, the standard
role-play and reverse role-play. I did this with my crew:
One is to practice about how to propose to his girlfriend, and the other
one is how to handle a complaint they have with his wife. We all
found the technology is very useful and we like it a lot.

