Moderator-Bill Turpin
Yesterday, I took a teleclass course, Perspective. I really got inspired about the sentence.
Are you ready for the secret of life? Your perspective determines your experience in life, not your circumstances. Perspective is a choice. You can choose a perspective for the special circumstance. Bill had said a lot of good inspired sentence to all of us which I was touched.
Perspective is a point of view which plays a fundamental part in any coaching session. In fact, it is in life itself. It is "a way of looking at, or interpreting, a particular situation."
One of the most valuable contributions a coach can make to a client is to help them discern their current perspective and enthuse them to shift into a more empowering one. When this happens, we call this process, Re-framing.
Bill left us some good questions which we should find out:
1. What is a disempowering perspective you have been using lately? Can you re-frame it?
2. Pick an area of your life where a problem has persisted for some time. Discern the perspective, and re-frame it.
I enjoyed this session very much, thank you so much, Bill and all attendants.
FC-105-Getting Started 2 - Reflection on Course
Moderator-Angela Wahl
Today, I took a teleclass course, "FC-105 Getting Started 2" with ICA.It followed to the structure of FC-105 Getting Started 1" process, and what I learned most is Angela mentioned that someone coach will start at a session called "design and discovering session" before getting started. In this session, we figure the structure out with the client, included what is coaching really, how the process will be, how long per session and when…etc.
Acknowledge experience sharing, I found out this process can build the confidence up. During the sharing from other participants, I was getting much clearer about how to getting started.
There are several questions which the participants brought out such as:
1. private issue, how can we cover or protect ourselves from legal issue, have an agreement?
2. Which special field should we start? life coaching, business coaching? or... all in one together?
3. Design and Discovering session? Does it work? What would be your own coaching policy?
Again, all powerful questions make me reflected and all insight shared from participants are very valuable to me.I have learned a lot during this participation and my forward action to this is just getting started to my prospective client.
Today, I took a teleclass course, "FC-105 Getting Started 2" with ICA.It followed to the structure of FC-105 Getting Started 1" process, and what I learned most is Angela mentioned that someone coach will start at a session called "design and discovering session" before getting started. In this session, we figure the structure out with the client, included what is coaching really, how the process will be, how long per session and when…etc.
Acknowledge experience sharing, I found out this process can build the confidence up. During the sharing from other participants, I was getting much clearer about how to getting started.
There are several questions which the participants brought out such as:
1. private issue, how can we cover or protect ourselves from legal issue, have an agreement?
2. Which special field should we start? life coaching, business coaching? or... all in one together?
3. Design and Discovering session? Does it work? What would be your own coaching policy?
Again, all powerful questions make me reflected and all insight shared from participants are very valuable to me.I have learned a lot during this participation and my forward action to this is just getting started to my prospective client.
Peer Coaching: Recording on Learning Buddy Coaching
Peer Coaching with Mrs. Faiza Ikeda
I had a peer coaching and would like to describe this coaching process a little for my personal record.
I named it as “Getting Started”. We had a design and discovering session before getting started. In this session, we figured the structure out, included how the process will be, how long and what time…etc.
The coaching process:
1. Pre-preparation (pre-work):
Faiza is very professional and sent me a welcome package (mail) which included a welcome to coaching letter to ask me to write down what I would like to get out of our coaching and two attachments (Wheel of Life Balance and Take the Free RHETI and QUEST Sampler test). The wheel of life balance makes me to review my life, what is the priority in my life. Take the Free RHETI and QUEST Sampler test, this procedure makes me get more understanding of myself. It is really helpful to me during the conversation with Faiza.
2. The process:
a. Concentration/Centralization: Faiza invited me to do deep breath together with her and comfort me to relax myself and feel to have a very safe environment to talk.
b. Asking questions to facilitate me in deep thinking and reflect myself. What, how and when do I want to achieve about the goals which I mentioned to her previously.
c. Having 15 minutes, just talk about “the purpose of my life”.
3. Ending:
a. What do I want to focus on improving and next time, how should we measure it to see the progress?
b. What do I take away through this session?
I really enjoy this session and thank you so much, Faiza!
I had a peer coaching and would like to describe this coaching process a little for my personal record.
I named it as “Getting Started”. We had a design and discovering session before getting started. In this session, we figured the structure out, included how the process will be, how long and what time…etc.
The coaching process:
1. Pre-preparation (pre-work):
Faiza is very professional and sent me a welcome package (mail) which included a welcome to coaching letter to ask me to write down what I would like to get out of our coaching and two attachments (Wheel of Life Balance and Take the Free RHETI and QUEST Sampler test). The wheel of life balance makes me to review my life, what is the priority in my life. Take the Free RHETI and QUEST Sampler test, this procedure makes me get more understanding of myself. It is really helpful to me during the conversation with Faiza.
2. The process:
a. Concentration/Centralization: Faiza invited me to do deep breath together with her and comfort me to relax myself and feel to have a very safe environment to talk.
b. Asking questions to facilitate me in deep thinking and reflect myself. What, how and when do I want to achieve about the goals which I mentioned to her previously.
c. Having 15 minutes, just talk about “the purpose of my life”.
3. Ending:
a. What do I want to focus on improving and next time, how should we measure it to see the progress?
b. What do I take away through this session?
I really enjoy this session and thank you so much, Faiza!
FC-107 Power Listening 1 - Refection on this course
Moderator- Sherry Read
The day before yesterday, I attended the ICA Course FC-107 Power Listening 1 , and I would like to share what I have learned during the session with you:
Just like our reading material said: Coaching is a different type of conversation than those we have on a day to day basis. When coaching, the coach is listening intently to what the client is saying and feeling. It is not a two-way conversation as such. As coaches, listening is one of the most vital services we can provide. Listen for subtle changes in voice, avoidance of questions or a change in subject. If a client starts to get aggravated or angry, you are most likely touching on something. Very gently, ask the client more questions. Let the clientknow what you are really hearing, and ask if there is something more they want to say about it.
In the process, I found out the powerful strength about Appreciative Inquiry (AI) technology, Sherry asked several questions which did make me reflect on it a lot. Questions such as:
1. “I am hearing you said X, can you tell me some more about that?”
2. Listening attentively, what has to listen to? How to let the client think that coach listens
attentively wholeheartedly?
3. What does the "listening" mean to you?
4. Listening attentively in the process, how to us "being silent”? How has to practice
“ being silent”?
5. How doesn't have the manner which judges to listen attentively?
6. How to listen from the heart and pick up on all communication?
What do you think it means to “listen from the heart”?
7. With in the middle of the telephone coaching process, how many proportions can use
8. How can we be possible to know ourselves becomes a better listener?
What I have learned:
Being empathetic and non-judgemental: When we value the client and accept the client's feelings, we will be able to empathize more, and to offer them the gift of being heard.
There is a homework from Sherry:
1. Thank and practice a method to enhance the skill of listening attentively.
The day before yesterday, I attended the ICA Course FC-107 Power Listening 1 , and I would like to share what I have learned during the session with you:
Just like our reading material said: Coaching is a different type of conversation than those we have on a day to day basis. When coaching, the coach is listening intently to what the client is saying and feeling. It is not a two-way conversation as such. As coaches, listening is one of the most vital services we can provide. Listen for subtle changes in voice, avoidance of questions or a change in subject. If a client starts to get aggravated or angry, you are most likely touching on something. Very gently, ask the client more questions. Let the clientknow what you are really hearing, and ask if there is something more they want to say about it.
In the process, I found out the powerful strength about Appreciative Inquiry (AI) technology, Sherry asked several questions which did make me reflect on it a lot. Questions such as:
1. “I am hearing you said X, can you tell me some more about that?”
2. Listening attentively, what has to listen to? How to let the client think that coach listens
attentively wholeheartedly?
3. What does the "listening" mean to you?
4. Listening attentively in the process, how to us "being silent”? How has to practice
“ being silent”?
5. How doesn't have the manner which judges to listen attentively?
6. How to listen from the heart and pick up on all communication?
What do you think it means to “listen from the heart”?
7. With in the middle of the telephone coaching process, how many proportions can use
8. How can we be possible to know ourselves becomes a better listener?
What I have learned:
Being empathetic and non-judgemental: When we value the client and accept the client's feelings, we will be able to empathize more, and to offer them the gift of being heard.
There is a homework from Sherry:
1. Thank and practice a method to enhance the skill of listening attentively.
Reflection on The Gathering of Coaching CoP , Taipei
今天我們台北的教練(Coaching)實務學習社群,在一個天氣好的冬天午後,一個美好的地方-跳舞咖啡廳,分享對教練的熱情及學習心得。聽著別人的分享,過程中竟然有著好多的自我探索及驚奇,令人興奮莫名! “要有覺察力,轉化成行動”,教練自己一定要先有這樣的能力,好棒好棒的一個體悟及分享,來自資深教練 - 曾郁卿 Chrissie。 另有一個關於價值觀-尊重的分享故事來自Sandy- 逸華身心靈成長中心,讓我有好深的感觸,在此跟各位分享: 安東尼‧羅賓,是一個於 25歲,即成為一個相當出名及成功的講師兼訓練師,當年認識一位37 歲的離婚單親媽媽,談及婚嫁,其週遭的人,依一般世俗的眼光皆感困惑,加以勸戒,安東尼回答: “成功的人,通常都會做失敗的人不會做的事”。 婚後,一年間,他們之間也開始有了爭吵,現在,變成安東尼備感困惑了,婚前,價值觀的Check list 顯現彼此是如此的契合,為何還是會爭吵不斷呢? 深入探索之後發現原來是對價值觀的定義有所差異,譬如說: 兩人當初都認同「尊重彼此」是維持婚姻關係最重要的元素,讓對方有自由的空間。 安東尼是來自於母親改嫁三次的家庭,擁有三個繼父及一個生父,而其太太是ㄧ個傳統天主教家庭長大的小孩,其媽媽告誡她,於婚姻關係中若有爭吵時,要先離開現場,等心平氣和時,再回頭溝通,這是對婚姻關係的尊重,而安東尼的母親給他的觀念卻是,沒有將話講清楚而離開現場是ㄧ個非常不尊重的行為,當下一定要將話講明白。雙方都非常重視「尊重」,但對其定義或認知的差異,對結果之影響卻是如此之大,我們可真的不能不察覺啊! 今天真的好充實,願與您分享。
Reflection on The ICA vision Call for 2009
This Morning, I joined the ICA Vision Call for 2009, Host: Miss Bronwyn Bowery-Ireland. She shared the vision of ICA with us, "To be the No.1 of Human Developing Community on line in the world" which I am touched and really feel excited about it as well. She also shared a lot people with ICA training program, got very good experiences: 1. Part of the community which can share dreams free, 2. Self-awareness. ICA will expand to be more flexible and may change the name of company.
Since we are virtual community, I would like to share some idea about it in Chinese.
Since we are virtual community, I would like to share some idea about it in Chinese.
Reflection on Course FC-105-Getting Started 1
Moderator-Angela Wahl
Today, I took a teleclass course, "Getting Started" with ICA. We got some problem with the line connection during the course and it took about 5 to 10 mins. Sometimes, silence can be kind of learning.
"What brought you to coach?" while the moderator, Angela asked. This is a powerful question to me and I did find out that a good question can make. During the sharing from other participants, I was getting much more clear about the reason brought me to coach training.
There are several questions which Angela asked to us, such as:
1. How to get start?
2. What would be your own coaching policy?
3. What would you like to do for people?
4. How will you break the cycle and begin to feel confident about coaching?
5. “What do you do?” create a 10-second elevator speech that willenthuse your prospect to say, “Tell me more about coaching!”
All these powerful questions make me reflection and all insight sharing from participants are very valuable to me. I have learned a lot during this participation and my forward action to this is just getting started to my prospective client.
Thank you so much, Angela and all attendants.
Today, I took a teleclass course, "Getting Started" with ICA. We got some problem with the line connection during the course and it took about 5 to 10 mins. Sometimes, silence can be kind of learning.
"What brought you to coach?" while the moderator, Angela asked. This is a powerful question to me and I did find out that a good question can make. During the sharing from other participants, I was getting much more clear about the reason brought me to coach training.
There are several questions which Angela asked to us, such as:
1. How to get start?
2. What would be your own coaching policy?
3. What would you like to do for people?
4. How will you break the cycle and begin to feel confident about coaching?
5. “What do you do?” create a 10-second elevator speech that willenthuse your prospect to say, “Tell me more about coaching!”
All these powerful questions make me reflection and all insight sharing from participants are very valuable to me. I have learned a lot during this participation and my forward action to this is just getting started to my prospective client.
Thank you so much, Angela and all attendants.
Reflection on Course FC-106-The Trial Session 1
Moderator-Isabelle King
Yesterday, I joined my third teleclass course, the trial session 1 and there was one attendant who was retired from a dentist made me impressed most. He and her wife now delicate themselves into this professional career and try to help more people to make their dream come true. It is a really nice life story to me about coaching.
Again, it was still so enjoyable experience, again. Isabelle said this trail session, someone may call "Getting to know you session", this is a very important moment that you and your prospective client, get to know each other and figure out that both of you fit to each other or not.
The moderator facilitate this course into four parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Invite Everyone Sharing Experience or any Question: What is your vision? Coaching is a right tool for them? Chemical Reaction, find a match?
3. Content Introducing-8 steps to get a trial session: Introduce the content and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"the trial session".
4. After Action Review (AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions about this topic and how you take away from this session.
I start to like this kind of teleclass which is very convenient and can get a lot of insight from other attendants' sharing.
Yesterday, I joined my third teleclass course, the trial session 1 and there was one attendant who was retired from a dentist made me impressed most. He and her wife now delicate themselves into this professional career and try to help more people to make their dream come true. It is a really nice life story to me about coaching.
Again, it was still so enjoyable experience, again. Isabelle said this trail session, someone may call "Getting to know you session", this is a very important moment that you and your prospective client, get to know each other and figure out that both of you fit to each other or not.
The moderator facilitate this course into four parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Invite Everyone Sharing Experience or any Question: What is your vision? Coaching is a right tool for them? Chemical Reaction, find a match?
3. Content Introducing-8 steps to get a trial session: Introduce the content and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"the trial session".
4. After Action Review (AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions about this topic and how you take away from this session.
I start to like this kind of teleclass which is very convenient and can get a lot of insight from other attendants' sharing.
Reflection on Course FC-106-The Trial Session 2
Moderator-Sherry Read
Yesterday, I got the chance to join my second teleclass course in my life with ICA and I was still so excited. Again, it was a very special and enjoyable experience, again. The moderator facilitate this course into four parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Brief Course Introducing: Introduce the course and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"The Trial Session".
3. The trial session "Role-Play" practice: Invite someone who can be coach and coachee. In this course, Christian was coach and Med (I am not sure about the spelling) was coachee .
4. After Action Review (AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions to Christian about her performance in this practice and her own feedback. I really like and enjoy this learning structure and especially, while Sheri asked us again, please tell us what do you take away from this course. The final question did make me to review what I have learned during this participation and my forward action should be.
I am getting used to the teleclass and it is not so difficult as I thought at the beginning.
Yesterday, I got the chance to join my second teleclass course in my life with ICA and I was still so excited. Again, it was a very special and enjoyable experience, again. The moderator facilitate this course into four parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Brief Course Introducing: Introduce the course and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"The Trial Session".
3. The trial session "Role-Play" practice: Invite someone who can be coach and coachee. In this course, Christian was coach and Med (I am not sure about the spelling) was coachee .
4. After Action Review (AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions to Christian about her performance in this practice and her own feedback. I really like and enjoy this learning structure and especially, while Sheri asked us again, please tell us what do you take away from this course. The final question did make me to review what I have learned during this participation and my forward action should be.
I am getting used to the teleclass and it is not so difficult as I thought at the beginning.
1. What are three situations you might encounter as a coach in which
role-play could be useful?
a. A client is facing a situation in considering to change a job or career;
b. How to communicate something sensitive to a partner, especially the
partner is tough in his thought;
c. Correcting an employee’s behavior, while the client is in a level of
management team.
2. Find one friend who is willing to be coached on an issue. I had chances
to do two role-plays with one of my friend in asking for a raise and how
to apologize for something they did wrong several days ago.
Both of us did enjoy the process a lot and I have him to come out with
an insight which he always has, but doesn't have the chance to think it
out. This is a really nice learning experience.
3. BONUS: Practice with at least two more people. Do both, the standard
role-play and reverse role-play. I did this with my crew:
One is to practice about how to propose to his girlfriend, and the other
one is how to handle a complaint they have with his wife. We all
found the technology is very useful and we like it a lot.
role-play could be useful?
a. A client is facing a situation in considering to change a job or career;
b. How to communicate something sensitive to a partner, especially the
partner is tough in his thought;
c. Correcting an employee’s behavior, while the client is in a level of
management team.
2. Find one friend who is willing to be coached on an issue. I had chances
to do two role-plays with one of my friend in asking for a raise and how
to apologize for something they did wrong several days ago.
Both of us did enjoy the process a lot and I have him to come out with
an insight which he always has, but doesn't have the chance to think it
out. This is a really nice learning experience.
3. BONUS: Practice with at least two more people. Do both, the standard
role-play and reverse role-play. I did this with my crew:
One is to practice about how to propose to his girlfriend, and the other
one is how to handle a complaint they have with his wife. We all
found the technology is very useful and we like it a lot.
When and how might you use role-play with your clients?
I really agree the perspective of role-play will provide a different perspective and allow them to not only practice receiving feedback, but also learn how to give it. When and how might you use role-play with your clients? Like the information we have in the document, I will use it for the following situations: when a client is unsure on how to have a conversation with someone; or has some fear around what to say and how to proceed. In this case, role-play becomes essentially a practice for conversation. This is done so the client can find some powerful and clear way to communicate to resolve the situation. As a coach, we can provide them with effective feedback on how to make it even more powerful. We can use the technology in two ways,
1. Role-play takes place when the client plays themselves.
2. Reverse role-play, the coach plays the role of the client, and the client play the role of the person they want to have a conversation with to clarify an issue.
I really agree the perspective of role-play will provide a different perspective and allow them to not only practice receiving feedback, but also learn how to give it. When and how might you use role-play with your clients? Like the information we have in the document, I will use it for the following situations: when a client is unsure on how to have a conversation with someone; or has some fear around what to say and how to proceed. In this case, role-play becomes essentially a practice for conversation. This is done so the client can find some powerful and clear way to communicate to resolve the situation. As a coach, we can provide them with effective feedback on how to make it even more powerful. We can use the technology in two ways,
1. Role-play takes place when the client plays themselves.
2. Reverse role-play, the coach plays the role of the client, and the client play the role of the person they want to have a conversation with to clarify an issue.
1. Choose three people who know me well and ask them for feedback on something in my life right now.
Answer: I choose the speech which I gave to my colleague.
2. Evaluate the feedback you were given. How did you respond? Was some feedback better than others? What made it so? What did you learn from this exercise?
Reflection: I highly appreciate about the feedback. For sure, there is some feedback better than others. While the feedback is simply a feedback, there are no personal opinions and judgments. What I learned from this exercise is "Give feedback is to simply mirror it back to the person the way we see it", this is very important. I appreciate neither judgments nor opinions while I got some feedback. I just would like to have someone give me effective feedback and I can judge and modify it by myself.
1. Choose three people who know me well and ask them for feedback on something in my life right now.
Answer: I choose the speech which I gave to my colleague.
2. Evaluate the feedback you were given. How did you respond? Was some feedback better than others? What made it so? What did you learn from this exercise?
Reflection: I highly appreciate about the feedback. For sure, there is some feedback better than others. While the feedback is simply a feedback, there are no personal opinions and judgments. What I learned from this exercise is "Give feedback is to simply mirror it back to the person the way we see it", this is very important. I appreciate neither judgments nor opinions while I got some feedback. I just would like to have someone give me effective feedback and I can judge and modify it by myself.
Discussion on Course FC-103-Effective Feedback
DISCUSSION: Today I got the chance to pick three topics to contribute to an open discussion on the discussion board under the topic Effective Feedback in ICA:
1. How do you feel about receiving feedback?
I feel so good, because I can discern that has been concerned by
someone else, especially, if the feedback is effective.
2. What is the difference between feedback and criticism?
The information from the document which we got,
Criticism is more to be: Personal/Fault-
finding/Opinion based/Unsolicited /Subjective
/Focused on the past/Destructive/Emotional.
Feedback is more about: Not personal/Opportunity finding
/Fact based/Often welcomed/Objective/Focused on the
future/Constructive/Not emotional, and neutral.
3. What is the purpose of feedback in a coaching situation?
Effective feedback creates a kind of awareness that makes a
difference in how one sees things. It provides insight, opens thought
and expands vision.
1. How do you feel about receiving feedback?
I feel so good, because I can discern that has been concerned by
someone else, especially, if the feedback is effective.
2. What is the difference between feedback and criticism?
The information from the document which we got,
Criticism is more to be: Personal/Fault-
finding/Opinion based/Unsolicited /Subjective
/Focused on the past/Destructive/Emotional.
Feedback is more about: Not personal/Opportunity finding
/Fact based/Often welcomed/Objective/Focused on the
future/Constructive/Not emotional, and neutral.
3. What is the purpose of feedback in a coaching situation?
Effective feedback creates a kind of awareness that makes a
difference in how one sees things. It provides insight, opens thought
and expands vision.
Reflection on Course FC-103-Effective Feedback 2
Moderator-Angela Wahl
Yesterday, I got the chance to join my first teleclass course in my life with ICA and at beginning, I was so excited. This is a very special and enjoyable experience.
The moderator-Miss Angela Wahl, besides as a experienced coach, I found out that she is a very good facilitor as well. During the course process, she took care of all participants and invited everyone to join the discussion comfortably.
I would like to seperate the process into 4 parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Brief Course Introducing: Introduce the course and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"effective feedback".
3. Role-Play Practice: Invite someone who can be coach and coachee. In this course, Kevin was coach and Levi(I am not sure about the spelling) was coachee . They are talking about the career issue to the coachee.
4. After Action Review(AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions to Kevin about his performance in this role-play pracitce and his own feedback.
I really like and enjoy this learning structure and especially, while Angela asked us, please tell us what do you take away from this course. The final question did make me to review what I have learned during this participation and my further action should be.
Thank you so much, Angela and all attendants.
Yesterday, I got the chance to join my first teleclass course in my life with ICA and at beginning, I was so excited. This is a very special and enjoyable experience.
The moderator-Miss Angela Wahl, besides as a experienced coach, I found out that she is a very good facilitor as well. During the course process, she took care of all participants and invited everyone to join the discussion comfortably.
I would like to seperate the process into 4 parts:
1. Ice-Breaking: Welcome everyone, and invite every person to introduce themselves.
2. Brief Course Introducing: Introduce the course and ask attendants to share their own experience about the topic -"effective feedback".
3. Role-Play Practice: Invite someone who can be coach and coachee. In this course, Kevin was coach and Levi(I am not sure about the spelling) was coachee . They are talking about the career issue to the coachee.
4. After Action Review(AAR): Invite all attendants to share their opinions to Kevin about his performance in this role-play pracitce and his own feedback.
I really like and enjoy this learning structure and especially, while Angela asked us, please tell us what do you take away from this course. The final question did make me to review what I have learned during this participation and my further action should be.
Thank you so much, Angela and all attendants.
Refection on the talking with learning buddy
Several days ago, I got the chance to talk with my learning buddy who lives in Tokyo, Japan. I really like her name Faiza: "Find your Authentic Self and Inspire your Zest for Action." Her name has explained a lot about coaching. In this learning journey, I am trying to learn how to inspire myself, then others to the zest for action. Through this learing process, I do believe that I can get the power and confidence about supporting people to making their dreams come true.
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