Peer Coaching with Mrs. Faiza Ikeda
April 16, 2009, I had my eleventh peer coaching with my peer coach, Miss Faiza.
Here is the summary from my coach and I would like to share it with you.
My wins for the last week:
~ A much better inner dialog practice with myself
~ Exercise more with jogging 6km, 3km/per time, three times/per week
~ Test my passion game in more detail.
~ Start to get more confidence about my coaching model.
I feel that you have done so much and made a great progress in so many ways since you joined the ICA and I really wish to ACKNOWLEDGE YOU for that!
How does it feel to have learned and accomplished so much in such a short time?
Coaching truly is a transformational process, isn't it?
In our last session we used a process I learned through NLP, it is called Core Issue.
You can find more about it in the book that I can recommend to any coach:
"Coaching with NLP"
Using this process we explored what spirituality means for you
and you found that you could connect with it much better this way, it felt more realistic now.
We also mentioned a teacher of mine (Bert Hellinger, developer of Family Constellations) and what "enlightened" means to him.
You seem to like his definition. And this relates what Nani Ma says about serving (the paragraph I sent you).
It seems like you are defining what spirituality and enlightenment mean to you - How exciting:)
We are going to start with our 12th session soon, so let's have fun and make this a memorable session ~
your coach Faiza