
AC204: Re-Framing 1 - Reflection on the session

Moderator-Kathy Monuz

April 09, I took a teleclass course-AC 204, Re-Framing 1,

The moderator leaded it into 3 parts from my perspective:

1. Inviting attendants to share our opinions about perspective and Re-framing.
2. Asking questions to lead us to think about perspective and Re-framing.
3. Conclusion and ask for a homework.

I feel it is really a facilitation of Re-framing session.

One of the most valuable contributions a coach can make to a client is to help them discern – get clear on - their current perspective and enthuse them to shift into a more empowering one. When this happens, we call this reframing.

From the reading material, I do enjoying the following: "Have you ever looked at something and said “Aha! I got it!” When it “clicks” suddenly, there seems to be a breakthrough. "

Understanding happens. Re-framing is an art and when done powerfully, it can change a client’s life in an instant. A powerful question to ask when someone is going through a difficult time is: "What is your perspective on this that is giving you this result?" Followed by: "How could you reframe this?" In other words, “let’s look at this in a different light to better understand this situation.”

ere are some powerful questions we could use to help someone reframe their perspective and in the course, the moderator facilitate us to experience it:
“How does that perspective work for you?”
"How could this be fun?"
"What will it take to reach this particular objective?"
"If you were up for a breakthrough with your productivity, what would you do?"
"What is the most enjoyable aspect about this?"
"What's missing here, that once it is included, will make this situation flow?"
"Can you understand the other person’s perspective?"

Re-framing is a very powerful idea in coaching.

