Moderator-Kathy Munoz
March 10, 6:00~7:00am EDT, I took the ICA teleclass course- AC105 Creating Action (2).
I like the sentence -” Nothing happens without Action!” Before creating an action plan, the coach will need to support the client through the process of discovery. Many clients think they know what they want, but once they begin to dig deeper, the client may discover that what they thought they wanted and what they truly want are two separate things.
In the course, we shared the wins and challenges. It has the suggestions about “ Creating Action Process”. Creating action requires a process. Process is important to be able to reach an objective. It moves both, the client and coach forward to achieve a desired goal by focusing thought in the right direction.
The following steps may support the client to discover and create an action plan that will move them forward:
1. Focus on Values
2. Enhancing strengths
3. Gathering resources to support the action
4. Goal-setting
5. Prevent slipping into old patterns
6. Creating an action plan
7. Positive affirmations
8. Focusing on solutions
9. Build on past successes
10. Create a list of encouraging role models
11. Enlist the help of a support team
Remember, “Nothing happens without Action!”
Creating action is about setting up a good solid structure for the purpose of moving your client
forward. As a coach, you can help your client achieve what they desire by simply creating action.
Thank you!