Moderator-Bill Turpin
Feb. 24, I took the ICA teleclass course- AC104 Goal Setting (4).
I am really touched by the sentence -” We support our clients in creating value-based goals!” Value-based goals, this is what I searched for a while- how come a goal can’t be lasting.
As a coach, we support our clients in creating value-based goals. Before any goals can be set,
the client must first determine what their values are. Orienting the goals around the client’s values will make them compelling and will pull the client forward. Most of us live full and busy lives with competing demands for our precious time and energy. We need to prioritize so that only those things that really matter get our full energy. By creating goals based on our values we ensure the optimal return on our investment of time and energy, because our success will be in the areas that matter the most to us.
Coach induce the client to the “simple structure” together for goal setting and achieving.
There is an acronym that is often used to describe powerful goals which helps us to evaluate whether we have thoroughly thought them through. It is S.M.A.R.T and stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound. The most important strategy for making sure goals are met is to make sure that they are aligned with values.
In the reading material, it has the suggestions about “Goal Achievement Process”. It has seven steps.
1. Set the Goal.
2. List the resources needed to achieve it.
3. List the assets you currently have to make it possible.
4. Identify any blocks or obstacles standing in the way.
5. List any significant milestones to reach along the way (with dates).
6. List the actions required to meet the first milestone by a given date.
7. Build in a reward, or celebration for when you do reach the goal.
Remember, goals are the client’s values, dreams and words.
The client owns them. Coaches need to use any goal setting tools or strategies in a way that empowers the client and allows the client to alter the process so that it works best for them.
This course did help me a lot, not only the tool about goal setting to help our clients, but also the attitude to the goal setting and goal achieving.
Thank you!