
AC211 Diversity (Cross Cultural Coaching)-Reflection on this course

Moderator-Angela Bird

Jan. 29, I took another teleclass course-AC 211, Diversity-Cross The Cultural Coaching

I am impressed by the researched that the moderator shared about summer camp. , there is a research that makes the kids to be different groups, and give them games to compete with each other group. After a wile, re-organize them to different teams, during the process to do the subtle observation about their interaction. From friends to competitor, from similarity to dis-similarity, how diversity flow among the kids.

Diversity is and should be a major interest and concern for most businesses and organizations today. Not only will we be faced with coaching clients of diverse backgrounds, but we will be challenged with coaching our clients to better understand as well as tap into the power of diversity.

Diversity brings with it many challenges. With diversity come differences. With differences comes the opportunity for conflict and misunderstanding. However, while it is important to be aware of difference and be flexible in our dealings with others, its important not to be overwhelmed by our differences. There are some basic ways that we can maintain respect for diversity while still making connections around our shared human experience and minimizing the opportunities for conflict or misunderstanding. In order to respect diversity, individuals and organizations need to understand and support the following ideas:

● Differences are viewed as strength.
● Individuals are free to achieve their potential.
● The complexity of diversity is valued.
● The work of all is appreciated.
● Communication takes place in a supportive manner.
● The rights of each of us, and all of us, are respected.
In the end, Angela give us some suggestion to read books about different cultures, the book” The World Is Flat” could be a good choice.

