Moderator-Angela Bird
Jan. 28, I jumped to took a teleclass course-AC 204, Re-Framing 3? The moderator leaded it into 3 parts from my perspective:
1. Inviting attendants to share our opinions about perspective and Re-framing.
2. Asking questions to lead us to think about perspective and Re-framing.
3. Group coaching practice learning by asking questions.
This is really a facilitation session.
Re-framing supports the client by helping them see and understand that there is more than one way to look at a given situation. Consider how powerful a coach you will be when you can improve a client's life. Not by changing all their circumstances - which they are busily trying to do - but by reframing their perspective.
One of the most valuable contributions a coach can make to a client is to help them discern – get clear on - their current perspective and enthuse them to shift into a more empowering one. When this happens, we call this reframing.
While we do the group coaching practice learning by asking questions, I really like this kind of processing to facilitate attendants to think the topic deeper and reflect ourselves. Here are the questions:
1. Please write down your issue.
2. What is your belief regarding to this issue?
3. What is your reward about thinking it this way? Find the positive intention behind.
4. What is the opposite belief to the issue?
5. If you have only one choice, what will you choose?
6. What would help you to change the perspective? (Pretend you know you need to change)
Went through this process, I got a very deep reflection on myself.