黃仁勇 James Huang
目前許多大企業在選任員工時,除了注重員工本身的專業能力,也要求他們能擁有在團隊中與人共事的素養及品質,因而,能在團隊中與其他夥伴共同學習而成長的態度與能力就日趨重要了。要讓團隊學習成功的一個很重要關鍵是,每個團隊成員、每個小組都能「及時」知道他們所表現的結果,進而能有即時改善的機會。這篇短文將分享一個引導工具與技能,行動後學習(AAR,After Action Review)在團隊學習中的運用,此程序是由美軍於戰爭的實務經驗中所發展出來的技能,因學習成效卓越,漸為企業界所採用。
AAR(After Action Review):組織學習的重要程序,是教練運用它做為團體教練及引導的重要技能及工具。

Reflection on Peer Coaching - The Session Twelfth
Peer Coaching with Mrs. Faiza Ikeda
April 23, 2009, I had my twelfth peer coaching with my peer coach, Miss Faiza.
This is the last session with my peer coach for this program. Here is my reflection and I would like to share it with you.
My wins for the all the sessions:
~ A much better inner dialog practice with myself
~ Finish my coaching model in draft.
~ Get my passion game in more detail and understand myself more and more.
~ Start to get more confidence about my coaching career.
I feel that I have done so much and made a great progress in so many ways since you joined the ICA. I feel so great that have learned and accomplished so much in such a short time. Coaching truly is a transformational process.
I will keep going and find another peer coach in this program.
Thank you so much, Faiza!
April 23, 2009, I had my twelfth peer coaching with my peer coach, Miss Faiza.
This is the last session with my peer coach for this program. Here is my reflection and I would like to share it with you.
My wins for the all the sessions:
~ A much better inner dialog practice with myself
~ Finish my coaching model in draft.
~ Get my passion game in more detail and understand myself more and more.
~ Start to get more confidence about my coaching career.
I feel that I have done so much and made a great progress in so many ways since you joined the ICA. I feel so great that have learned and accomplished so much in such a short time. Coaching truly is a transformational process.
I will keep going and find another peer coach in this program.
Thank you so much, Faiza!
Coaching 教練,
Facilitation 引導學,
Peer Coaching
AC111 Underlying Automatic Commitments (1) - Relection on this course
Moderator-Sherry Read
April 29, I took the teleclass course- AC111:. Underlying Automatic Commitments, in this course, what I impressed most is the sentence of “UAC’s are fundamental to all the ICA Coaching Power Tools”.
People are always committed to something, whether conscious of it or not. We engage in behaviors, which create outcomes in our lives, as a result of our underlying commitments, judgments or beliefs. Whatever a person is truly committed to they will experience. (Note: Whether or not the above premise is true, this is not what really matters here. We are interested in what empowers people and we have found this way of looking at life to be a very effective one.)
While we quoted from our reading material, we can see it very clear, a lot of people keeping doing thing at the way which they don’t aware it. There is UACs behind.
Our function as a coach is to help our clients to know their UACs and how to deal with it. The goal is to help our coach to aware it and break through it.
The best place to look for an UAC is within the situation in which you are confronted. In other words, by looking at the outcomes or the results we have in our life, which we don’t want. Going back to our original premise, which is: whatever a person is truly committed to they will create and experience, we can use these unwanted results to define what the underlying automatic commitment is in life.
Once the UAC is detected, it is time to do something about it. First, it allows one to be able to make a choice. The “owner” of the UAC has to decide whether or not to remain a “victim” of it, or take responsibility (own it) by addressing it. This kind of action is what we refer to as “taking action outside of it.” In sum, the power to overcome any given UAC comes from handling or“owning” the UAC rather than resisting or simply denying it.
This course is very important for a coach and we should aware our own UACs as well.
April 29, I took the teleclass course- AC111:. Underlying Automatic Commitments, in this course, what I impressed most is the sentence of “UAC’s are fundamental to all the ICA Coaching Power Tools”.
People are always committed to something, whether conscious of it or not. We engage in behaviors, which create outcomes in our lives, as a result of our underlying commitments, judgments or beliefs. Whatever a person is truly committed to they will experience. (Note: Whether or not the above premise is true, this is not what really matters here. We are interested in what empowers people and we have found this way of looking at life to be a very effective one.)
While we quoted from our reading material, we can see it very clear, a lot of people keeping doing thing at the way which they don’t aware it. There is UACs behind.
Our function as a coach is to help our clients to know their UACs and how to deal with it. The goal is to help our coach to aware it and break through it.
The best place to look for an UAC is within the situation in which you are confronted. In other words, by looking at the outcomes or the results we have in our life, which we don’t want. Going back to our original premise, which is: whatever a person is truly committed to they will create and experience, we can use these unwanted results to define what the underlying automatic commitment is in life.
Once the UAC is detected, it is time to do something about it. First, it allows one to be able to make a choice. The “owner” of the UAC has to decide whether or not to remain a “victim” of it, or take responsibility (own it) by addressing it. This kind of action is what we refer to as “taking action outside of it.” In sum, the power to overcome any given UAC comes from handling or“owning” the UAC rather than resisting or simply denying it.
This course is very important for a coach and we should aware our own UACs as well.
AC108 Coaching Process (2) -Relection on this course
Moderator- Bill Turpin
April 28, I took AC108 Coaching Process (part 2), since I am developing my own coaching model and thinking about the process, this course gave me some hints in developing the coaching model.
I really like the definition from Bill about coaching model and coaching process: Coaching process: what does the client experience!
Coaching model: How do we proceed as a coach!
In the coaching process, it will have the peaks and valleys. We should share with out clients about the process, and let them know that in valleys, it is nature. Sometimes, the client is just in the valleys, and as a coach, we must aware it.
At the beginning of the coaching process, we should know several things:
1. We should know it clear about gap between the goal and starting point of the client.
2. Understand the value system, value of the client. We can ask a question like “what matter you most in your normal life?”
3. In the trail session, we must share with the client about authentic self, how we proceed as a coach.
Bill facilitated this class to be a supportive class by asking the attendants for differentiating the coaching model and coaching process.Finally, we get an assignment, how can we create a safe environment to our clients?
Coaching is all about the client, thank you!
April 28, I took AC108 Coaching Process (part 2), since I am developing my own coaching model and thinking about the process, this course gave me some hints in developing the coaching model.
I really like the definition from Bill about coaching model and coaching process: Coaching process: what does the client experience!
Coaching model: How do we proceed as a coach!
In the coaching process, it will have the peaks and valleys. We should share with out clients about the process, and let them know that in valleys, it is nature. Sometimes, the client is just in the valleys, and as a coach, we must aware it.
At the beginning of the coaching process, we should know several things:
1. We should know it clear about gap between the goal and starting point of the client.
2. Understand the value system, value of the client. We can ask a question like “what matter you most in your normal life?”
3. In the trail session, we must share with the client about authentic self, how we proceed as a coach.
Bill facilitated this class to be a supportive class by asking the attendants for differentiating the coaching model and coaching process.Finally, we get an assignment, how can we create a safe environment to our clients?
Coaching is all about the client, thank you!
AC-203 Empowering the coaching relationship (2) -Reflection on this teleclass
Moderator-Prabha Chandrasekhar
April 22, 6:00~7:00am EDT, I took the ICA teleclass course- AC 203 Empowering the coaching relationship (2). In this session, I had a deep feeling about the importance of coaching relationship, how we can build the trust and space between coach and the coachee.
The attitude we should have is” all the process and result is for the coachee, not ourselves”. We should keep our curiosity about what happened to the coachee all the time. Keep our authentic self, and be honest to our coachee.We can start at some opening question to make the client know that we are curious to them. Such as, “What's your challenge this week?, What do you focus on today/this week?, How is your week? …etc.
We are responsible for providing good coaching, including setting up a powerful structure for our coaching relationship, maintaining accountability, and maintaining our self-imposed standards. Our client is responsible for all outcomes, good and bad. The clients get the credit when they have wins, and they take responsibility for anything that doesn’t work. While we may from
time to time provide advice, and even be directive, it should be clear to the client that all responsibility for the choices they make lies with them.
I enjoyed this course very much!
April 22, 6:00~7:00am EDT, I took the ICA teleclass course- AC 203 Empowering the coaching relationship (2). In this session, I had a deep feeling about the importance of coaching relationship, how we can build the trust and space between coach and the coachee.
The attitude we should have is” all the process and result is for the coachee, not ourselves”. We should keep our curiosity about what happened to the coachee all the time. Keep our authentic self, and be honest to our coachee.We can start at some opening question to make the client know that we are curious to them. Such as, “What's your challenge this week?, What do you focus on today/this week?, How is your week? …etc.
We are responsible for providing good coaching, including setting up a powerful structure for our coaching relationship, maintaining accountability, and maintaining our self-imposed standards. Our client is responsible for all outcomes, good and bad. The clients get the credit when they have wins, and they take responsibility for anything that doesn’t work. While we may from
time to time provide advice, and even be directive, it should be clear to the client that all responsibility for the choices they make lies with them.
I enjoyed this course very much!
AC102 Enthusing (2) -Relection on this course
Moderator-Sherry Read
April 20, I took the teleclass course- AC102: Enthusing (part 2).
In this course, what I impressed most is the sentence of “Get what they need to hold the good “. Reflect the past success may bring you the power for further action.
To enthuse someone means to make someone enthusiastic about something. The act of enthusing involves “energizing” the moment. As coaches we try to “energize” or enthuse our clients to take action to bring about changes in their lives for the better.
A common method people use to force someone to change their way - or make a shift – is to imply that they are bad or wrong. “This isn’t right, why can’t you do it this way?”Often this is done in a subtle way. Simply questioning their choice in a particular tone of voice can be enough to make someone question their judgment and defer to our judgment. As coaches we believe that the client is the expert in his or her life. We want them to exercise their judgment, not rely on ours.
As coaches we want to support our clients to make positive changes. But we need to do this in a way that builds their sense of worth and allows them to develop skills and judgment. Fortunately, there is a more positive and powerful way to support people to bring about change in their lives. It is about changing perspective with a gentle and joyful touch. It is about “supporting” someone into empowerment and towards a forward movement of action. In coaching we call this technique enthusing.
I quoted a lot from our reading material because the article touched me a lot.
April 20, I took the teleclass course- AC102: Enthusing (part 2).
In this course, what I impressed most is the sentence of “Get what they need to hold the good “. Reflect the past success may bring you the power for further action.
To enthuse someone means to make someone enthusiastic about something. The act of enthusing involves “energizing” the moment. As coaches we try to “energize” or enthuse our clients to take action to bring about changes in their lives for the better.
A common method people use to force someone to change their way - or make a shift – is to imply that they are bad or wrong. “This isn’t right, why can’t you do it this way?”Often this is done in a subtle way. Simply questioning their choice in a particular tone of voice can be enough to make someone question their judgment and defer to our judgment. As coaches we believe that the client is the expert in his or her life. We want them to exercise their judgment, not rely on ours.
As coaches we want to support our clients to make positive changes. But we need to do this in a way that builds their sense of worth and allows them to develop skills and judgment. Fortunately, there is a more positive and powerful way to support people to bring about change in their lives. It is about changing perspective with a gentle and joyful touch. It is about “supporting” someone into empowerment and towards a forward movement of action. In coaching we call this technique enthusing.
I quoted a lot from our reading material because the article touched me a lot.
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